How close do people need to be for the glasses to hear and caption?

The volume and clarity of the person/people speaking matter more than distance.

The microphones in Xander Captioning Glasses tune into the loudest, clearest voices. If someone speaks loudly and clearly from across the room, their voice will be captioned. If someone is near you but speaks in a voice that is muffled or barely audible to a human ear then the glasses may not caption their speech. In general, the glasses caption the voices of those nearest to you but volume and clarity of voice matter more than distance.

Some people ask, "Will the glasses give me super hearing and allow me to overhear conversations people are having across a room?" No, the glasses won't provide bionic super hearing. The microphones are tuned to function with the same efficiency as a person without hearing loss.

Every XanderGlasses kit contains a wireless microphone system that enables you to get captions of someone speaking from a distance. The range of the wireless mic is 65 feet. If you are in an auditorium or large room and want to hear a specific speaker or person, ask that person to wear the microphone. Learn more about using the microphone system here: