Are XanderGlasses covered by health insurance? Can I get financial assistance?

No, currently, XanderGlasses are not covered by health insurance. If you need financial assistance, a number of organizations may be able to help.

We hope XanderGlasses can help you and understand that price is a concern. Unfortunately, captioning glasses are not covered by Medicaid or health insurance, just as most prescription hearing aids are not covered by standard health insurance.
However options for financial assistance may be available, depending on your situation. See Hearing Tracker's helpful guide for paying for hearing devices.
While this comprehensive guide was published specifically for hearing aids, many of these ideas and suggestions can also apply to XanderGlasses.
We've worked with employers, schools, foundations, medical centers, and other organizations to help people get XanderGlasses. In our experience, the best way forward is for you to connect with these organizations directly to see which of them can support you. Once you have found an organization, we are happy to connect with them directly to provide supplemental information to help you move forward.
If you are a U.S. Veteran being treated for hearing loss or other hearing conditions, you may be able to receive XanderGlasses from your VA Medical Center. Please reach out to us for more information.